Q Student Information System
Our enterprise Student Information System (SIS), Q, uses state-of-the-art technology to deliver a fast, interactive, and intuitive experience to educators.

Customized SIS Solutions
Q performs district, school, and classroom student information management in real-time for all educators, district staff, students, and parents throughout a school district.
Each user can customize their interface to prioritize the information most crucial to their success, including adding or removing widgets, reordering items, and creating flexible permissions.
Up-to-Date and Compliant CALPADS Reporting
Our close working relationship with the California Board of Education enables us to have the latest state reporting requirements updated in our Student Information System. This ensures your reporting is always up-to-date, compliant, and accurate.

Integrations for Peak Efficiency
Q integrates with external platforms like Google Classroom and OneRoster, allowing administrators to reach peak efficiency and streamline tasks. Some of Q’s integrations include:

“Aequitas has the experience, mindset, and commitment to provide diverse information management solutions for K-12 schools. Their commitment to efficiency and service allow schools to focus on student achievement and support services instead of software.“
Kurt Rheaume
Executive Director of IT Solutions, Wayne RESA

A Student Information System Partnership
When you choose Q as your district’s Student Information System, you’re not just choosing an SIS to power your school – you’re also choosing a partner that’s committed to your district’s success.
We pride ourselves on the level of service we provide our clients. While next-generation software is what we do, customer service is what we’re passionate about. Our team is dedicated to helping districts focus on what’s most important – educating students.
Tools for Success in Every Role
From flexible scheduling and online enrollment to LMS integrations and intuitive reporting, Q offers solutions for everyone in your school district.
“I’ve worked with Aequitas for over five years and just recently changed positions. I knew when I worked with Aequitas that I was receiving excellent customer service, but I didn’t fully realize how good I had it until I started to work with different vendors. Aequitas provides quick responses and resolutions to problems from knowledgeable and courteous staff. They provide excellent communication for their customers and work together to continuously provide new enhancements and solutions with their products. I fully recommend this company!”
Laura Kenobie
San Juan Unified School District
Learn More About Q, Our Enterprise Student Information System
For additional information about our Q Student Information System, our support offerings, or to request a demo, please contact us using the form below.