Configurable Application & Lottery Module
With Q Application & Lottery, administrators and families can enjoy a streamlined school application and selection process.

Efficient Applications for Families
Our module simplifies student applications and selection. Customizable online application forms allow for easy data collection, while configurable lotteries ensure a fair and transparent selection process for managing applicant pools.
Streamline School Selection & Choice
Q Application & Lottery makes matching lottery results to school capacity seamless. Our module saves administrators valuable time who would otherwise have to manually sift through applications and potentially deny qualified students due to limited space.
By creating an efficient matching process, our module ensures a fairer and more efficient way to fill seats and manage school capacity.

Review Lottery Results
Our user-friendly interface streamlines the process of managing applications and lotteries. Districts can easily publish winners and notify waitlisted students. Our module also offers powerful data analysis tools that allow educators to visualize trends at a glance.
Learn More About Q Application & Lottery
For additional information about Q Application & Lottery, our support offerings, or to request a demo, please contact us using the form below.